Homework is an opportunity to supplement and build on your child’s in-class learning while also giving parents the chance to be involved with their child’s development.
Tasks could include consolidation of core skills, for example handwriting, phonic patterns or mental maths, while other challenges may be more explorative and project-based, encouraging a child’s inquisitiveness and independent thinking. Our younger years have ‘talk homework’, giving the opportunity for your child to talk about all they have been learning that week and to be introduced to upcoming topics.
Reading is a very important part of school life and we aim to engender a love of books and reading in your child. They are encouraged to take books home every night and read with parents or carers, recording their progress in their reading diaries.
Homework will be differentiated according to the needs of each individual child, with optional extra challenges for those ready to advance, and additional practice of key skills where beneficial. Holiday homework packs can be useful in supporting parents to consolidate learning over the breaks.