
Assemblies are a crucial part of School life as they help to create a sense of community and shared responsibility. We meet together three times a week, on a Monday, Thursday and a Friday morning.

Assemblies have a common theme across the week, linking in to our School TRACK values and the Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) programme, aiming to develop individual character and learn more about the world around us. 

On a Monday in the Head’s Assembly, Mr Akhurst will speak to the children, often illustrating the issue with the help of the children.  Thursday’s Assembly for Years 1 & 2 builds further on the week’s theme and Friday’s Celebration Assembly gives a chance for the whole School to celebrate pupils for their achievements that week.  Awards, medals and character certificates are all presented in recognition of the children’s effort and achievements.

Visiting speakers and organisations regularly come to Assembly to help broaden our awareness of the local area or wider community.

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