Pastoral Care banner

Pastoral Care

The exceptional Pastoral Care offered at Shrewsbury House Pre-Prep is one of our greatest strengths. A caring, nurturing culture is fostered within our School, with each child known and supported as an individual. Small classes and low pupil-teacher ratios help provide the calm environment for such quality care. The children know they can speak to …

The School Day banner

The School Day

7.30am Breakfast Club 8.15am The gates open for Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 8.30am – 8.45am Children go to their classrooms 8.45am School gate closes. Registration 12.00pm Lunch 12.30pm Nursery morning session finishes 12.30pm Lunchtime Play 3.15pm School finishes for Nursery and Reception 3.15pm – 3.45pm Afternoon Tea for siblings / clubs 3.30pm …

Wraparound Child Care banner

Wraparound Child Care

We offer wraparound child care at both ends of the day to provide support for you as parents in your family life. Our very popular Breakfast Club runs from 7:30am each morning. Your child will be supervised by our own staff and provided with a healthy breakfast, with a choice of a variety of cereals, …

House System banner

House System

The School is divided into four Houses: Blue, Green, Red and Yellow. All children are allocated to one of the Houses upon entry to the school and remain in their House for the duration of their time at the school. Various House Events are held across the year, including House Challenges and Sports Events, giving your …

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Positions of Responsibility

An important part of a child’s development is having the opportunity to take on some responsibility and begin to understand the concept of leadership. At Shrewsbury House Pre-Prep we want your child to be actively involved in school life and to feel that they are valued and listened to. As a part of this we …

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Assemblies are a crucial part of School life as they help to create a sense of community and shared responsibility. We meet together three times a week, on a Monday, Thursday and a Friday morning. Assemblies have a common theme across the week, linking in to our School TRACK values and the Personal, Social, Health …



Homework is an opportunity to supplement and build on your child’s in-class learning while also giving parents the chance to be involved with their child’s development. Tasks could include consolidation of core skills, for example handwriting, phonic patterns or mental maths, while other challenges may be more explorative and project-based, encouraging a child’s inquisitiveness and …

Leavers’ Destinations banner

Leavers’ Destinations

2014 – 2024 Shrewsbury House School 165 Rowan Preparatory School 16 Feltonfleet School 15 Milbourne Lodge School 8 Parkside School 7 King’s College School 5 City of London Freemen’s School 3 Danes Hill School 3 Claremont Fan School 5 Downsend School 2 Hampton Prep School 2 Lady Eleanor Holles School 2 Surbiton High School 4 …

The Role of Parents banner

The Role of Parents

We recognise the important role that parents and carers play in their child’s development and we work in partnership to ensure that your child’s school life is happy and that they thrive academically. Curriculum evenings, parents’ evenings and drop-in sessions are held throughout the academic year to ensure that parents/carers are kept up-to-date and involved …

School Uniform banner

School Uniform

Our uniform provider is Alleycatz. Please visit their website to see full details of our uniform requirements, or to purchase our uniform: Second-hand Uniform In collaboration with Uniformis, the Shrewsbury House Association (SHA) are now moving forward with second-hand uniform sales online, providing access to pre-loved uniform 24/7 throughout the year:   All donated uniform sales will …



A hearty hot meal is provided as part of the school day for all children who stay for lunch. Our own staff supervise lunchtimes and eat in the hall with the children to help create an appropriate environment for eating together and to encourage positive table manners. We promote a healthy eating approach both through …

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The Shrewsbury Pre-Prep Association is heavily involved with charitable work, selecting a chosen charity for the year. In addition, the children suggest and get involved in several other fundraising events. In addition to the selected charity, we support various other Charity Days such as Jeans for Genes, The Macmillan Coffee Morning, Red Nose Day and …