Toddler Group

There will be no Toddler Group on Friday 4th October due to our Open Morning.

Our Toddler Group takes place most Fridays, during term time, between 9.30am – 11.15am. We would love to see you there!

About the Toddler Group: Parents, carers and children under 5 are very welcome to drop-in and join in the fun. Each session is free to attend. The informal sessions take place in a nursery classroom and activities include free play, arts & craft, and music. Refreshments are available for children and adults. All sessions are held at the school in Milbourne Lane, Esher.

If you would like to join us please could you kindly complete the Registration Form below as it will be helpful to know how many people will be coming along for planning purposes. Please could you also indicate if you would be happy for us to contact you, as it would be useful to let you know if the club was cancelled for any reason, and also to invite you to wider school events.

For more information, please contact Mrs Jules Akhurst or telephone 01372 462781.

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