Light-filled, well-equipped classrooms provide the perfect learning environment for our small classes. The well-stocked and welcoming School Library helps with the development of a reading culture among the pupils. Children are encouraged to select their own books to take home.
Our Sports Hall provides comfortable space for indoor PE lessons, while Assemblies, productions and school functions are also well catered for.
There is significant space for the children to play and explore outside, with a main playground and a designated Nursery play area available all year round. A garden area provides opportunity for the children to grow their own plants with their own Gardening Club overseeing this. A covered Reception Class Explore Zone features a small climbing wall and Tinker’s Yard, where children are free to play and interact.
We have an outdoor heated swimming pool, allowing the whole school to enjoy swimming lessons. Our private Sports Field is found just a few hundred yards from the School, with space for several mini-pitches in front of the beautiful pavilion.
The wooded area behind our playing field provides the perfect space for Forest School. Every year group has a timetabled Forest School session where the children are encouraged to explore and develop a love for the natural world around them.
The School has a strong musical heritage. Our main hall features a baby grand piano which is ideal for concerts and productions. A newly refurbished, bespoke Music Room, complete with an upright piano and various instruments, provides a wonderful setting for class music lessons. A music practice room is available for the very popular one-to-one tuition from specialist peripatetic teachers who visit the School each week to teach our children violin, piano and guitar.